Transforming End of Life Care for Your Companion Animal

Animal related grief is unique and it needs to be acknowledged and processed separate to the grief we feel when we lose a human loved one.

I am a PhD candidate with a strong interest in exploring the grief journey which exists for all of us when we lose the love and companionship of a pet. What my research has unveiled is the fact that when it comes to end-of-life care for animals, much of our approach is based on a human care model. Similarly, after death, the way we mourn, ritualise and remember our pets is based on the traditions we have embraced for human death.

The more I talk to pet owners, veterinarians, end-of-life workers, and counsellors, the more it becomes apparent that too many people have felt alone and adrift with their feelings in the aftermath of animal loss. For many of us, the pain we experience is something that we carry for decades, or even a whole lifetime. Each time we lose a pet, accumulated grief from previous losses comes to the surface. We never mourn, we never heal, and thus, we never find acceptance.

Instead, we’re left with an enduring love, and nowhere to put it; a narrative that is incomplete.

That is why I have started this service.

My goal is to help you find a Good Death for your pet, a death that honours the bond you shared
and reflects the love that never dies.

If you are in need of support, please do get in touch and we can discuss your particular needs. I am available for consultation online for people in Australia and Internationally. If you are in a different time zone we will find a date and time that works and I will contact you by Zoom.

Most of my services can be delivered remotely, and tailored to fit your circumstance.

I am eager to work with you, and your pet, wherever you are located.

A holistic, Inclusive Approach

I believe in a holistic approach to end-of-life care, one that accounts for your practical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

There is no “one size fits all” because there is no animal like your animal, no grief like your grief.

I am here to help you explore the multitude of ways in which you can honour the life and love of your animal - at the end of life, and in the afterlife.

Get started, today.